Thursday, November 19, 2020

it seems to be typical in that it's a plan to solve the pr disaster around the fossil fuel industry - which is how this government actually sees the issue - rather than a plan to reduce emissions.

the end goal is, and always has been, to trick and coerce the environmental movement into an embrace of dirty tarsands oil. that's what they want - to find some way to neutralize the opposition. and, they'll jump through whatever ridiculous orwellian mental hoops and use whatever kind of doublespeak is required to get there. truth and facts are simply no obstacle.

so, they'll pass this to say they did it - and then they'll approve another 10 pipelines, tomorrow, and try to coerce you into being "moderate" and "reasonable" about it. because they're not serious about this, and they never were.

it's a psy-op. no, really - that's the right way to interpret it. 

and, environmentalists are enemy combatants that need to be controlled.