Thursday, November 19, 2020

so, i didn't purposely give this karen (who, i'll remind you is a local property owner that i've never met or even seen a picture of and called the police on me for applying to her "for rent" ad over kijiji too many times - something that landed me in jail when it was realized that i was "really a man". charges were filed, dropped and expunged. i received an apology from the windsor police, even - it was beyond merit-less, it was outrageous. fwiw, i've been on estrogen since 2002 and have been actively seeking gonad removal since 2016, something that has been frustrated by uncooperative doctors. so, i am committing no fraud by applying to an ad using the name jessica, and can only accuse those suggesting as much of bigotry. i claim that both the call to the police and the behaviour of the police were driven by transphobic bias and have two separate ongoing lawsuits around it. i'm suing her for $100,000 for discrimination and intimidation under the human rights act; i have a complaint in superior court against the police officer for harassment and misconduct and the end result will be a third case against the windsor police, directly, as a charter challenge claiming massive violations of my constitutional rights. but, i've intended from the start to wait until the other cases are finished, first, before i file the third one.) an extra grace day to respond, but i had a reaction to some slightly old beets this morning which resulted in me sleeping away the day, and she got one by accident.

in fact, she might even get until monday morning before i file a series of motions to get on with this.