Saturday, December 5, 2020

i've definitely been reacting to the fluoride, but i don't know what to think of it.

how much fluoride do i need to eat to get a basic glass of normal tap water?

at .7 ppm of 750 ml, using a 1:1 conversion ratio (it's actually a little less at room temperature), 750*0.0000007 = 0.000525 g. so, that's how much fluoride is in a cup of fluoridated water - a half a milligram. that means you'd need about 6-8 cups to get enough fluoride.

at 5000 ppm (.5%), how much fluoride do i need to get .000525 g? and the answer is

x*.005 = .000525 <---> x = .000525/.005 = .105.

that's 105 mg of high potency toothpaste just to get the amount of fluoride in a cup of water. and, while i'm having difficulty measuring how much i'm using, it's nowhere near that amount. it's maybe 50 mg - probably more like 25 mg.

why am i reacting to this, then? i'm feeling it in my eyes and in my chest. it's initially a feeling like i'm being stretched out, almost pulled apart, and then a feeling of contentment. so, am i feeling it depositing? or is it just in my head?

if it's less than tap water, am i actually reacting to a "deficiency"? will that fade over time?