Sunday, December 27, 2020


do i think the election was rigged? 


i think 2016 was rigged, too (by the cia). and 2000. i think it's far less rare of an occurrence than others would like to imagine.

and, i think that biden stole the primary, too - and that it was one of the most blatantly stolen primaries pretty much ever.

but, what i think is that trump got outcheated; if trump could have cheated better, he would have. unfortunately for mr. trump, the establishment wasn't on his side this time, and all of the strings that he had pulled in his favour in 2016 reversed themselves this year.

so, don't expect me to repeat the party line on this - yes, actually, i do think that biden stole the election. and, it turns out he figured out how to cheat somewhere along the way, and got the fuckers on his side. that's how this works.

my primary argument is turnout, and i said this from the start. do i believe that joe fucking biden got more votes than anybody in the history of the country? no - that's hilarious. but, i don't really believe that trump got that many votes, either...

so, if they both cheat, and one cheats better and wins because they're the better cheater, what do you have to say about the process, other than that the status quo in the system is to expect the dirtiest actor to win?

i will say this, though - it says something about biden. it says something about his character. and, you should expect that to be a harbinger of what's to come.