Sunday, December 27, 2020


who's supporting cleaning up the mess that clinton & obama left in iraq? is that america's position?


it's russia that supports the bombing, right now. and, this is my position - i'm on the side of assad & the russians against isis & the saudis.

trump wants to pull out...which i support in the medium term, once they finish the job. i tentatively supported the pull-out, as it was the correct general movement, but they moved too fast without eliminating power vacuums and then didn't even really pull out, they just made it clear that they were willing to get out of the way and let the saudis murder everybody because all they cared about was the oil, which was not a positive outcome. 

that doesn't mean that staying put was the right choice and i will continue to oppose biden's plans to escalate in iraq. i did not support staying in the region to protect the kurds from isis, either. i do not consider the kurds to be worth saving; the way kurds are presented in western media is bullshit, a scam. it's a vicious cult. i supported a withdrawal, i just wanted to see it done correctly, and they botched the execution. i would support a withdrawal a second time, but i would insist on the proper execution. but, i mean, that doesn't mean i'll get it...

i would rather see a botched withdrawal than a continued occupation, but i will continue to argue for clean-up operations, even as i support the botched withdrawal. it's shit options, all around.

so, yes - get out of iraq. like, now. but, they need to completely annihilate isis (which is a saudi and western backed group and not representative of a movement on the ground; that's just saudi propaganda) first, restore syrian territorial integrity, send the kurds home, etc.

it's not a pro-western position at all, it's a pro-russian position, a pro-syrian position and a fundamentally pro-secular position. it's standing with the leftists on the ground.

and, it's baffling that i need to have this debate with people that pretend to call themselves leftists.