Saturday, February 20, 2021

so, we are indeed starting to see the start of an anti-mask backlash in ontario, and it seems to be targeted at doug ford, rather than justin trudeau. 

the ndp are even worse than the liberals.

so, what happens if a serious anti-mask backlash kicks in?

the answer is that this is one of those classic scenarios where a far right party has a space to walk in, as it can latch on to a populist position that is rejected by the entire mainstream spectrum.

for that reason, i am calling on the liberal party of ontario to be fucking liberals and push the idea of individual choice when it comes to mask use. you don't have to be anti-mask, exactly - i wouldn't categorize myself that way, either. i'm pro-choice on masks, and would label people pushing mask mandates as anti-choice. my body, my choice.

if the liberals take this position - and it is the right position for them to take, as a liberal party - this will give the upswell of frustration a way out of voting for a far right party.

otherwise, this election might get messy, as people find themselves with nowhere to turn.