Wednesday, March 17, 2021

again - there's clearly a huge amount of arab blood money underlying what is a clear propaganda push to soften the image of a collection of war criminals that participated in the worst atrocities that we've seen on this planet since the second world war.

these people need to be wiped off the face of the planet.

and, that includes any children born there - which should not be considered canadian citizens. the kid is four years old and you're telling me they weren't born there? that's bullshit. that kid is going to grow up a jihadist, and this is just a backdoor for extremism, by co-opting the language of humanitarian do-gooding.

this is an expansionist culture rooted in concepts of imperialism and colonialism and it consistently does everything it can, and resorts to deplorable methods, to perpetuate itself.

somebody on the peninsula spent a lot of money to conquer syria and it failed. we rescued thousands of victims of their slaughter. and, now they're following those who escaped to canada - which is presenting itself as an easy target.