Sunday, March 21, 2021

just to update where i am on the fall of civilizations run through...

i have watched both of these videos and don't have much to add. 

i knew the easter island narrative was a myth, but it's nice to see it get a full treatment and i learned a few things watching this. if you're still following the false narrative, you should give this a run through:

i only had a vague outline of cambodian history when i watched this and the only comment i have is that i learned quite a bit about it by watching it. i didn't realize the region was hindu before it was buddhist, for example. as is the case with a number of these, the multidisciplinary nature of the narrative is appreciated, although he did say a few things that struck me as more mythical than factual.

norse history is something i know a little more about, but the first half of that episode seems to be fairly cursory. conversely, i think i know that story a little too well to benefit from watching an introduction like that. but, we'll see how he closes it and if i have anything to add:

the mayan collapse is again going to be the things of myth, but we'll see what he says. i'm legitimately curious about what he says about the bronze age collapse. and, i'm probably ideologically opposed to his take on the "collapse of roman britain", which i'd interpret as an indigenous revolt against a colonial entity, but we'll see what he says.