Sunday, March 21, 2021

what a weird night lost in limbo.

so, i finally woke myself up around 4:00 only to realize i was starving. so, i made pasta....and caught a chill and then fell asleep eating it.

why am i getting cold while i'm eating? is the digestion requiring more energy than i'm taking in?

my stool is very healthy looking, if continually red due to the beets, tomatoes, red peppers, cayenne, carrots & paprika. it's just tons of red and orange, and it ends up looking that way. but, it's well formed. there's nothing trailing.

i see no evidence that i'm bleeding. really. or, at least not from the bum...maybe from the brain...

likewise, if i have a parasite, it's not obvious.

it's a bone-chilling cold, too - not  in my hands or feet, but in my bones. it's making me wonder about leukemia.

i need to keep an eye on those eosinophils...