Wednesday, October 16, 2013

again, this country of dipshits, the mentally challenged descendants of lumberjacks that we are, can only comprehend the issue in terms of fiscal oversight. we're simply unable to follow the plot.

this was supposed to replace a universal child care system. experts and non-experts alike pointed out that it was probably the dumbest possible way to approach the issue. the handout money couldn't cover childcare costs, it was going to everybody (including people that didn't need help in paying for childcare) and it seemed to come packaged with a barefoot-and-pregnant approach to women's role in society. it was an across the board tax cut that was too small to accomplish any of it's stated and unstated objectives.

a prominent liberal strategist realized how stupid the proposal was and suggested the money would be wasted on 'beer and popcorn'. our zombie press jumped all over the comment as insensitive, without stopping for a moment to analyze whether it might actually be *accurate*.

now, we're standing here wondering where the money went. was he perhaps on to something?

buffoons, the lot of you.