Monday, September 28, 2015

yeah. this is going to be hard to watch, too. but i almost think he has to do it, watch the tapes and see what he comes off as. just don't ask for my ears, please.

i don't think people are warming up to trudeau, exactly. i don't think he's really exceeding expectations. his style of acting is overly pretentious and faux-thespian; sometimes, it seems like he's going to launch into a musical or something. maybe a tennessee williams play. whatever it is is approved for the curriculum. if that's exceeding expectations, you must have been expecting an infomercial or something.

rather, it's more that people are warming up to the actual policy, which is perhaps exceeding expectations. and, i think we mostly get that it's the team he's got behind him that is churning it out. what's strange is that that doesn't seem to be much of a sticking point. i don't know; pile the factors on, there. sick of harper. just wanting a change. a little familiarity. in other circumstances, it could be destroying him and severely damaging the party. that people seem to be shrugging it off is more a reflection on the competition - and on the honest strength of the announcements.

i don't think he needs to demonstrate a masterful knowledge of anything tonight. it's more that he needs to avoid putting his foot in his mouth - and that means being careful about how some types of people may interpret some types of statements. and, you know, a little dry acting may even go over well, for the camp factor - because nobody's pretending, anyways. but it should maybe be toned down a little.

i don't think it will be toned down at all.

that said, i do hope to get a little bit of a clearer grasp on the liberal party's understanding of the new world order. but i think he can get away with expressing that in the form of a series of platitudes and barely formed abstractions. those who care will have little difficulty colouring in between the lines.

to put it another way? when a party runs a country for the better part of a century, there's not a lot of guesswork in their foreign policy principles or how they're expected to be applied. and, in canada, we have the added benefit of there being many books on liberal foreign policy in existence.

if he doesn't explicitly contradict specific things, people will broadly assume continuity. and that's probably for the best.

we all bicker about the liberals. left. right. but the vast majority of us actually go to the somewhat absurd extreme of actually identifying, on a civic level, specifically with established liberal policy positions - to the point that we accuse the existing government of changing the nature of the country, rather than merely being a different party with a different policy perspective. it's deep-seated. we say things like "canada is a country of peacekeepers" without even being fully cognizant of the truth underlying such a statement. his major task needs to be to not interfere with that identification, and maybe draw a little attention to it.

it's really not necessary that he try and convince anybody he's a policy wonk. he just needs to convince people that his party's values are theirs. and, the truth is that that's not hard - because, on this specific file, it is very much true.

Got a thing about koalas ??? Having never voted Liberal in my 79 tears but now considering doing exactly that.For me anything that will defeat the fascism that has crept into our government works for me.

koalas must be destroyed due to their despicable levels of cuteness.