Tuesday, March 29, 2016

j reacts to the dangers of racial divide and conquer strategies in the current economy

this is a strategy that assigns very little intelligence to voters and will almost certainly produce a backlash. if you (the media, broadly) keep running segments like this, you're going to push white voters right into his arms. the study was asking about affirmative action - and the response is tautological. the confusing part is how 58% of republicans somehow think that affirmative action helps white people.

what the trump phenomenon demonstrates is that there is a mass of uneducated, impoverished white people in america that need social programs written for them. they've been confused by decades of propaganda that scapegoats minorities instead of corporations. but, by sitting there and pointing fingers at them and belittling them, you just come off as a bunch of smug, upper class pieces of shit.


let me clear about something.

if you're going to make me do it.

the election match-up media narrative that's developing is a conflict between wealthy non-whites supporting clinton and poor whites supporting trump. that's an over-simplification, as are all media narratives. and i'm more likely to attack the narrative than fall into it.

and, of course, i'm a leftist. i understand what's happening. i'm inoculated from the group think.

but, at the end of the day, i am not a wealthy non-white. i am a poor white. and, i can tell you that the media will get what it wants, if it decides to frame the issue the way it's framing it.

"I don't want to send them to jail. I want to send them to school." - Adlai E. Stevenson