Sunday, August 13, 2017

i've been apprehensive about trying to pick a side in these clashes, as i've considered both sides delusional - the antifascist groups are fighting imaginary nazis (that are probably actually mostly liberals), while the alt-right groups are fighting imaginary authoritarian communists (which actually sound like conservatives, if you go to talk to them). "hitler or stalin?" is a choice that millions of real people had to make in the 30s, and it's as shitty a choice now as it was then. as an anarchist, i'd want to fight the stalinists as much as i'd want to fight the nazis, but which side do you take in a struggle defined by competing strawmen? you just don't do that; instead, you take a step back and make misanthropic observations about the dystopic absurdity playing out in front of you.

but, these are actual nazis. and, all decent people need to unite to shut them down.

just, try and keep the counter-protests secular, please. you don't want to chase off allies by bogging things down with ritual. i've certainly avoided protests over this. it's just not the time to shamelessly promote your religious institution....