Saturday, September 15, 2018

that is what psychiatry is - it's a giant drug racketeering operation.

you go to the "doctor", who sells you drugs. these drugs don't fix anything, they just get you stoned, and leave you dependent on them, as well. and, that is the definition of a patient: a dependant drug addict.

well, unless an imbalance can be determined chemically, how can you tell you need help synthesizing this thing? you can't. nobody determined that this was wrong with you - they just gave you a drug that makes you high, and then asked you how you feel. and, you're high on the drugs they gave you - of course you feel better.

chances are that you don't have an imbalance at all, and you just like getting high - because that's all they did, was prescribe you drugs to get you stoned. it was never determined if you have an imbalance; it was only determined that you like the drugs.

again: if somebody can prove to me that i need something then i'll take them seriously. but, nobody wants to do that. all these "doctors" want to do is sell drugs to people that probably don't have anything wrong with them and probably don't need them...