Saturday, September 15, 2018

the reality is that most of what we call psychology is utter quackery.

these diseases don't actually exist - there's no basis to test for them. if you have an infection, you can do a blood test to determine that you have it. if you have a psychiatric condition, you get five minutes with a "doctor" that presents a subjective opinion of your diagnosis, with no empirical basis whatsoever, and then prescribes a drug to address a problem that was never established exists in the first place.

so, let's say you think you have schizophrenia. you might imagine there's a way to test for that, right? a blood test? a dna test?


the way they determine if you're schizophrenic - which is something that is claimed to be a physical health problem - is by observing your behaviour and then presenting an opinion on the topic.

there is absolutely no science involved in this process, whatsoever.

they then give you drugs that they claim are intended to reduce symptoms. but, without establishing a chemical basis of the symptoms, or even determining if symptoms are actually present, what could that possibly mean? again: let's say you have high cholesterol. well, they test to determine your cholesterol levels, first, and then give you drugs to chemically alter your cholesterol levels. but, nobody tests for a chemical basis of schizophrenia, so how can the efficacy of the drugs even be measured? what does it even mean to say they don't work?

this is not science, and it should not be treated as though it is. this should be treated like the quackery it is, and relegated to the dustbin of "alternative medicine".

if a doctor cannot give you a medical basis for your diagnosis, that is a chemical imbalance or a genetic abnormality, then they should not be administering you drugs.

at all.