Monday, January 21, 2019

and, listen - you can cite a bunch of neo-liberal economists, but i'm just going to come back with some marxist analysis about how markets don't work, and i'm sure i can find a few working economists on the left that have ripped the thing down, although i haven't looked, because i haven't needed to....the argument is too elementary to bother seeking backup...

an argument from authority works when you're citing a field that operates in facts and data, which is not economics, and is especially not neo-liberal economics. economics is an ideologically driven profession that operates on deductive reasoning and, on the right, often via faith in free markets. bringing in some neo-liberal economist to preach the faith is just deflecting to another type of guru.

the reality is that you have to adhere to a belief system called "market fundamentalism" to swallow the koolaid on pigovian taxes, which mainstream economists are happy to do on a mass scale. the data isn't actually there - they are at best harmless, so long as they are not foolishly applied for political reasons, which is what is happening in canada.

i'm in favour of wealth redistribution, and i'll take the $20 check. we need serious climate change policies; i was initially agnostic on the thing, not seeing a reason to oppose it, but being wary of supporting it.

but, the feds really need to be looking at ways to tax imports, otherwise they're cutting off their nose to spite their face...

and, we see the result of this: that's a part of how we ended up with doug ford in the first place.