Sunday, December 15, 2019

but, i want to make a brief comment on cenk uygur running for office.

i think i've been clear that i think that cenk uygur is an unintelligent oaf. he's just not a very smart person, and if you value intelligence in your public officials, he's just really not your guy. but, he's also in this group of conservatives that have spent most of their lives as republicans, before switching to the democrats after having the epiphany that the republicans were phonies. with cenk, i think his career ambitions aligned with pretending to be a democrat as well, but the basic point to realize is that he didn't swing left so much as he just sought an escape route from what he was at least smart enough to realize is really a cult.

so, the party is going to try and nail him on some comments he made about women, which is likely to fail. that is a losing strategy, at every level. nobody actually cares, or, worse, a lot of people might agree with him. but, i want you to listen to this carefully. he's going to tell you he changed, and those comments reflect an old person that doesn't exist anymore, but that is utter bullshit and he knows that. what he actually thinks is that you're a dumb libtard that will believe any stupid thing he tells you, which is the premise underlying his entire business model.

he hasn't changed. he's still a conservative, and it's still obvious. those misogynistic comments are pretty standard conservative statements, coming from a conservative worldview. it's all very consistent. it's who he is. and, if you challenge him, he'll just lie to you to get what he wants, because that's what he's spent his whole career doing. this is somebody that has no interest in truth, whatsoever.

but, nobody really cares what a random congressman from california thinks about women.

i would be more concerned about his financial perspectives, which appear to align on the right-libertarian side of the spectrum, and do not appear to have evolved much from his roots as an alex jones light style rush limbaugh wannabe. he seems to think that america is in debt to the chinese. he doesn't seem to understand what a sovereign debt is. i've heard him explicitly compare a government's finances to household finances. it's the same kind of fundamental financial misunderstanding that you hear from people like ron paul, or from people like ben shapiro.

i'm hoping that his campaign follows the same trajectory that elizabeth warren's has, and ultimately tanks once people get a good look at him and realize he's actually, sort of kind of a right-wing blowhard.

but, that's the thing i'd be most concerned about with him in this particular position - as a corollary of his generally conservative worldview, he appears to have a very right-wing concept of money, and you consequently don't want him sitting at the table when you start talking about debt.