Saturday, February 29, 2020

so, what have i been doing?

i've been sitting in front of this chromebook since i got back on thursday morning, trying to pivot and kind of failing to do it. i guess i got distracted by the need to make some calls, then got lost in the primary....

i also got lost in the need to eat up a lot of fruit before it started rotting, as i overbought a little for the month of february. that means i've eaten a few days ahead...

the weather is going to turn over this week, maybe for good. let's hope so. i'm eager for spring.

i've cleared the show listings out until wednesday at the earliest and probably until next weekend. as i've eaten a few days ahead to clear out the fridge, that also means i won't be getting a start on groceries until mid-week or later.

so, i'm going to get the reimage started, clean up the kitchen a little, take a shower and park myself in front of this thing for the next several days, with the intent to get some actual work done.

one question, though...