Saturday, February 29, 2020

the actual reality is that there was actually a very large number of north americans of german descent that supported the nazis in world war two, and we had to go through a kind of denazification program to try and integrate them, a process that was only partially effective. it's shocking to say it now, but the nazis were actually quite popular here, within certain ethnic groups. while this denazification was happening, these people claimed they were being discriminated against and treated as second-class citizens - a claim that was no doubt sometimes actually true. yet, today we recognize that their sympathies were wrong, even as we question how they were treated, and wonder if mistakes may have been avoided. we realize that it was necessary to do something to stamp out this ideology as best we could.

i wasn't alive back then, but i would suspect that the contemporary support for islamicists in the middle east amongst arab-americans draws a very strong comparison to the support that german-americans had for the nazis in the 30s and 40s, and that a similar program of deislamification is going to be required. this may not always result in savory policies, they will no doubt cry discrimination and they will often be right. but, we will look back at the process as necessary to eliminate or at least drastically reduce the prevalence of a particularly vile strain of thinking from civilized society. it's going to take some people that are willing to take tough and potentially unpopular choices, and they are likely to be reversed by the courts, but you can't just let this run rampant, you have to combat it. and, with the right types of campaigns, we can win this struggle.

if you sort through this, i am consistent on this point - i have strenuously rejected the false dichotomy that the media and certain politicians (funded by specific agents.) wants to set up between islamism and nazism, and have rather gone out of my way to draw parallels between these two systems of thinking. if you condemn one, you must condemn the other - and you should treat proponents of these ideologies more or less interchangeably, because they are basically the same.

so, you can put my comments into that kind of perspective.

i think these islamicists need to be wiped out, and i think you're on the wrong side of history if you're in disagreement with me.