Friday, March 27, 2020

also: bill gates is an expert on virology now, apparently?

judging from the efficacy of his flagship product in stopping the spread of viruses, i'd suggest you consider the source.

i mean, c'mon. what's the logic, here? that he's famous? that he's rich? it's the one thing everybody knows about windows: you get infected as soon as you connect.

my windows xp machines have been practicing social distancing for years, now. and, i'm about to give up on seven and move to linux...

i bet linus torvalds has a more interesting take on this. i wonder if he even supports the herd immunity line; no, hear me out, this makes some sense, because it's kind of like an open source approach. in the world of linux, we get security through transparency. and, it actually works. let me look this up....