Thursday, April 16, 2020

again - why don't i want the generic?

because it's water soluble. that means i'd have to take it sublingually, which is going to absorb it directly into the blood, which is going to create spikes in blood levels and ultimately lead me to experience the hormone like i'm taking a drug - i'll get "high" on estrogen for an hour or something, and then i'll just piss it out through my kidneys. if i swallow it like an actual pill, it will just get destroyed by my stomach acids, and that would be completely useless.

it's not a different drug, it's a different delivery system, and it matters, in context. i was smart enough to actually look into this and figure it out. i'm not going to make the mistake of swallowing water-soluble estrogen.

if you can find me generic estrace that is actually metabolized, i'll take it.

but, i don't want to get high on estrogen (and then crash from it) over and over again, what i want is stable & constant levels, with minimal peaks and valleys.