Thursday, April 16, 2020

i haven't completely given up on teaching, i just deprioritized it. there were so many other things that were so much more important to me.

and, i actually kind of think that teachers should be older people, not young people. i can understand the argument for young teachers in elementary school, because it's not that different from babysitting, and too wide of a generational gap can be a big problem with young kids. but, certainly once you get to high school and older, i'd rather see a systemic focus on telling young teachers to wait in line, perhaps by increasing the educational requirements. there's something kind of backwards about letting people in their 30s and 40s teach at high schools.

if i ever do this, i'm going to actually find myself preferring to teach adults. i don't have a lot of patience with kids, actually; i'd rather deal with grown-ups. and, i suspect there's probably a demand for that.

but, i'm more interested in my art.

right now, i need to eat.