Thursday, April 16, 2020

the fact is that there's no science behind the border closure at all. this is just politics - and it's bad politics, the politics of nationalism, of division and of fear.

the messaging from trudeau is that he wants to take an insular, right-wing approach to this and put up more and more borders to keep us more and more walled off (or in.), apparently under pressure from the evan solomons of the world, which he seems to think produce compelling arguments.

but, the science was always clear - this hinders, it does not help.

it doesn't look like much is going to be open in michigan for a while, so a re-opened border actually probably doesn't help me much, especially not now since i've spent the month's money on food, and pot. but, i'd support reopening the border asap, regardless - even it it's only one-way.