Thursday, April 16, 2020

this situation will change in the upcoming months, and you'll be able to give these zealous democrats that are eager to jump into battle something more sciencey to make bad arguments from authority around, as they struggle for alpha idiot with the anti-science conservatives, who are unlikely to modify their messaging much, regardless.

right now, what these democrats are really doing is putting their faith in bad science, and that should always be strenuously avoided - because faith has no place in science.

to use a bad word, we're not "progressing" away from religion if we just elevate science to the priesthood, in the end. that's not secular humanism, that's some kind of dystopian nazism.

elevating science past religion means replacing faith with skepticism. that's the point, that's the goal, that's the end - it's how you know you're doing this right. and how you know when you aren't...

but people, today, are what they are.

you white knights need to shut up for a while and let science do it's job, first.