Tuesday, September 22, 2020

again: people are going to call this a second wave.

they're going to claim we reopened too quickly and should have dragged it on.

and, then they'll complain the deficit is too high, not enough is being spent on social services and their taxes are too high, too.

also, it's fucking cold out.

but, all that the lockdown really did was put the pandemic on hold, and all that's happening right now is it resuming where it was, back in may. sure - they could have clamped down for another six months, and then had the same thing happen when they let go. and, sure, we can clamp down again, only to have the same thing happen when we let go, again.

this is the brilliance in the foresight of the swedish model, which aimed for a sustainable strategy that could be held to, in order to avoid exactly what we're seeing in canada, right now.

if we had listened to the science, right? alas, we did not - we gave in to magical thinking, and listened to the theologians, instead.

so, we can clamp down again. and again. and again. but, will we ever learn?

or, will we run around on a hamster wheel, perpetually, in a quixotic fight against the common cold?