Tuesday, September 22, 2020

when these workers argue that the democrats don't represent their interests, they're not confused. they don't lack information. they're not misinformed.

rather, they're absolutely right - the democrats are the party of the middle class, and they don't care about workers at all. they care about hedge fund managers. they care about stock options, trust funds...

they care about maximizing profit for the bosses - at the expense of the working class. there's a class conflict at play, and the workers are correct to recognize it.

trump is what he is, and the republicans are hardly any sort of answer, even if nafta 2.0 is a modest improvement, if it doesn't get ignored.

but, arguing that the democrats are going to help these people is demagoguery, and they know it. it's not fooling anybody, and we should all be more honest about it.

the only way these people are going to get reenfranchised is if they start a new party that represents the interests of workers, in opposition to the democrats, which are the party of the middle class.