Wednesday, September 9, 2020

we have the grid in canada, but we're not using it - and our politicians have been making it harder to use it, not easier to use it.

so, for example, mike harris privatized the grid in ontario, which sent prices through the roof and pushed a move away from clean electric heat to dirty natural gas heating. it was absolutely insane, and subsequent governments have only marginally been able to get a handle on it.

if we simply encouraged people to use electric heating by bringing the price down, we'd solve a giant component of the problem, in this country.

our natural resources make the problem much easier to solve, here: we just need to maximize our hydro capacity, and get everybody to actually use it. but, we're doing the exact opposite: we're pushing people off the grid, we're mining dirty energy and now we're trying to export lng, a project that will drastically increase our emissions even more.

more so than most places in the world, the fundamental problem in this country is simply greed. and, we need to grapple with that fact in undoing the profit motive.

we were better positioned to deal with this in the 80s and 90s; with the notable exception of our move away from coal, we've been moving in the wrong direction since then, and getting worse, not better.