Saturday, October 31, 2020

i didn't find any more light soy, but i'm going to ride around a bit more this afternoon. i just want to get on a bicycle...

i did get some more normal soy built up for the casear dressing base, and i did buy some yogurt that i'm fairly certain about sticking with for the fruit bowl, relegating the other yogurt to a side component of the casear dressing. i think i can make use of it as a thickener, though. the thing is that it has a little bit of b5 in it, and that's helpful in the pasta bowl.

the other thing i picked up were a few guavas, and this is one of the more exotic solutions i was hoping for. raspberries are just not cheap here, and they spoil quickly. but, i got a pack of 20 of these ounce-sized mini-guavas for $3.50, and each of them should have around 60 mg of c or so. i lose the folate and other stuff, but i didn't need it anyways. so, that's an easy and affordable way to finish my bowl that i wasn't totally expecting to be available; i was looking out for things like lychees and longans as well, which are small items just saturated in the stuff. if this is sustainable at a reasonable price - and the kiwis are - then we've found the answer, and i can move on. it should only be around 20 calories, too, meaning i should be able to dip under 1000 calories soon, too


- vector out, yogurt in, and for vitamin a, specifically. almost no calories. ironically.
- nectarines out, mangoes out, raspberries iffy (currently out.) and guavas in.
- it should now be under 1000 calories, in total.

...if i can keep finding all of the ingredients,