Saturday, November 14, 2020

package #2 of guava has fruit that is a little bigger and a little denser, which is good news; it means i can sometimes get my 30 g from one, without having to use two. these ones are almost like little sour, peeled avocados in terms of consistency. that's potentially a 50% savings, although i'm going to hold off on it for now and pencil it in as 25%. i need to get the cost of the meal down into the $3.50 range from the current $5.00 range, so tricks like that are going to be necessary to shave off ten cents here and there. i don't want to have to resort to frozen strawberries...they're potentially better for c storage given transport realities from source to consumption in canada, but they just end up mushy....

maybe i ought to just move to mexico. guava, avocado, kiwi, strawberry, banana...maybe i'll throw a sapote in there...

just keep me away from the peyote.