Saturday, November 14, 2020

this is the data, and what policy should be based on:

toronto has an unusually high number of restaurants, compared to other cities in ontario.

in peel, 55% of cases came from schools, churches, daycares or factories. another 19% comes from necessary commercial services, like groceries. so, what did they do? they shut down the bars - 3% of cases. 

in windsor, the cases are almost exclusively coming either from the fruit pickers in leamington or from the healthcare sector, which is still crossing the border regularly. so, what did they do? they brought in an alcohol curfew.

if these are their "solutions", i'd rather see no solutions at all.

but, we're stuck in a loop, here - they blame it on the sinners as a distraction until they get called on it, then they move away from it until conservative voices yell loud enough that they aren't doing enough, and then they go back to blaming it on the sinners. and, it seems like these are our two options - we can scapegoat the irreligious or we can do nothing at all. 

and, i'd rather we do nothing at all, because i'm the one getting attacked for a problem that is largely being created by the religious, not the irreligious.

are they going to take serious actions, in shutting down religious services and other superspreader events? great.

but, if they're just going to continue to blame it on the sinners and shut down the bars, i'll continue to support no actions at all.