Saturday, November 14, 2020

see, and this is the thing - when these authoritarian, fascist idiots talk about a "lockdown", what they really mean is a "lockdown that doesn't affect them". so, they'll support closing restaurants and stores and bars and gyms, but they don't talk about shutting down churches, schools, daycares, workplaces, etc.

the problem is that, when you crunch the numbers, it becomes absolutely apparent that the things they want to do are absolutely pointless. if the vast majority of cases are coming from the handful of things they want want to keep running, what's the point of shutting down the activities causing marginal spread?

and, when you tease it out, you end up with all of these concepts of privilege and class underlying the things they want closed and the things they want open and a realization that this isn't really about a pandemic at all - it's about the elite trying to shut down sections of the economy that it doesn't like.

i've said from the start that we need to do this right or not do it at all. there's no evidence anybody wants to do it right, so i remain in favour of not doing it at all.

so, don't let them tell you there's not a choice. that statement should be factchecked and deleted - there is a choice, and i vote for letting it run it's course. 

...because if the choice is between banning the things i like and banning the things you like, i'll pick banning the things you like. sorry.

and, fuck you for getting superior with me about it - cram it up your superiorly sized ass.