Monday, February 22, 2021

so, what i've got here is something like this:

- collagen needs vitamin c & various amino acids
- collagenase seems to require folate
- so, whatever the rdis and intakes are, i may be experiencing the effects of more folate than c; i may be getting more than enough of both, but the b9:c equilibrium appears to be out of whack
- as a consequence, i'm producing more collagense than collagen

don't publish that or anything, but i think it's what is actually correct.

what do i do about it?

- i could take more vitamin c, but i may be maxxed out. i could try topical c on my mouth.
- topical collagen in my mouth
- i want to find a study of some sort before i jump to reducing folate, but i need to find some kind of collagenase inhibitor, regardless.

i don't want to say that this is cutting edge science; it seems like it's more along the lines of butter-knife science, in that nobody seems to want to approach gum loss with medication. it's just not how anybody does this. but, i have more brains than dollars, and little choice but to try and make some guesses and carry out the experiment. you can publish the result somewhere if you'd like, in the end.