Sunday, March 19, 2017

this is a noble attempt at spin for a good cause, but the actual problem is that the government refuses to appoint judges. this has been a problem for a while, now.

here is an article that explains the issue:

the chief justice has even written articles about it, and i've posted them, but i'm not looking it up right now. it's not something that came out of nowhere: it's a serious problem, and people have been drawing attention to it for a long time.

so, the actual reason that these case are being dropped is very likely as a protest to the government's unwillingness to staff the country's benches. what they're saying is that if the government won't provide access to justice then this is what is going to happen - so it had better appoint some fucking judges, already. and, this is a real failure of government, too. so, what the fuck is going on?

i haven't seen any statements by the government. but, my honest best guess as to what's slowing things down is that it's not a priority because there isn't any payola in it. this government only seems to be focused on things it can profit from. it's not concerned with actually running the government...

it's a sad reflection on the reality of things. but, we need some articles going after trudeau to appoint some judges, already. they're not over-booked, they're understaffed. the chief justice has done all she can. and, should people stay in jail indefinitely without a trial? they should not. the media needs to take him to task for this, and the government needs to get to fucking work on it.