Sunday, March 19, 2017

but, listen: if you think i'm trying to win a popularity contest or something...

i know that the revolutionary potential in our society is approaching zero. i don't pretend otherwise. and, i'm hardly interested in swaying public opinion.

i mean, what do you think? that i want to sit in the bourgeois parliament, or something? give me a fucking break. have you read anything i've written?

one of the things about not desiring power, and being interested solely in dismantling the propaganda of the state as a kind of historian for the revolutionaries of the future, is that i'm not remotely interested in what people think of me in the present tense. i mean, i know that i'm right - and i know that people will eventually know that i'm right. but, what that means is that i'm almost an acid test.

after all, you don't be a revolutionary by saying things that uphold the status quo. that's just not how this works. i'm necessarily going to piss people off. and, when you're finding yourself citing the new york times, you might want to take a step back and ask yourself who you're serving.

think of it like this: we'll know we're ready to take the next step when i'm not controversial. we'll know we've progressed when i don't make you upset. and, until that happens, i have an obligation to piss you off.