Sunday, March 19, 2017

i think the question that you need to ask yourself is this: is the function that you fill within society something that would be carried out by a slave in a system that allowed for slavery?

you might not actually know the answer....

....but, the truth is that most people would have to actually answer 'yes' to that question.

if that is the case, then why do you deny that you're a slave?

is it because you really enjoy your job? really?

is it because you're free to buy your own food and pay your own bills and make your own meals? or is it because you get a day or maybe two off a week, if you're lucky?

is it because you have a one in a million chance of escaping your reality if you work really hard and get really lucky?

i'm not trying to marginalize the importance of any of these things. certainly, a system with slaves that are treated well is preferable to a system with slaves that are treated poorly. and, a miniscule chance out is better than no chance at all.

but, being real about the situation presents a stark truth: there isn't a lot of difference between market labour and slave labour when you're in the bottom 95% of society. and, denying this reality is either being out of touch or being obtuse.