Thursday, September 21, 2017

so, this week's trendy hipster insight is that foucauldianism is just privileged knowledge, and that those elite academics that possess it have some kind of obligation, as though they're liberal activists, to proselytize the good word to the ignorant masses.


well, listen - what have the classical anarchists and other enlightenment-type thinkers been saying the whole time? we've been suggesting that there might accidentally be some insight hidden away somewhere in this pile of rambling, but that it lacks anything resembling an empirical basis and is consequently just, like, somebody's opinion.

"but i hate science."

i know you do, which is why you should go do some - and realize the flaws of an epistemology based on a system of axiomatic deduction.

it would do these people a world of good to go out into the real world and see how poorly their theories apply in it.