Wednesday, November 15, 2017

but, let us not lose context.

why did canada end up as this peacekeeping country? the reason is that we didn't want to get involved in the wars. canada didn't go to vietnam; we accepted draft dodgers. some of them had famous kids. but, we were signatories to the defence agreements, and we wanted to be, and we knew we needed to be, and we understood that we had to contribute.

so, we took tactical positions.

these were never fully altruistic. when we sent our troops into this african country to fight a famine, or that asian country to build roads, it was always in line with the broader strategic interests of the western alliance. i don't know how many of us ever really fully understood this. but, we took pride in it, nonetheless.

and, thus, the question that trudeau ought to ask is this: what roads need to be built, and what populations need to be fed, to advance the interests of the west, without succumbing to it's most nihilistic tendencies?

and, the answer before us is that so much of the work is already done.

but, rather than seek out a solution for the sake of it, perhaps we should wait for the problems to more clearly present themselves.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.