Wednesday, November 15, 2017

this whole narrative is some kind of surreal joke. and, it's designed to create something to run on in the next election.

i can't claim most people will anaylse this the way i do. maybe you'll get some nationalist responses around this. but, the ethnic component of the country has changed so dramatically, that i don't think it's a given.

in the 60s and 70s, canada was a mostly white and largely anglo country, so it could step into conflicts between western powers, and attempt to defuse cold war situations in ethnic lands from this kind of aloof british position of detached near non-alignment, and the population was able to grasp on to it as articulating a kind of alternative theory of empire. we were the conscience of the commonwealth. and, it worked because we could be obviously western and yet credibly neutral at the same time.

today, if we try to step in between just about any conflict, we're going to be seen as acting in the interest of this lobby or that. worse, so many new canadians don't have this attachment to articulating a friendlier kind of empire; they see the world in terms of racial conflict, colonizer and colonized. and, canada is just america lite.

what is happening in yemen is the kind of conflict that canada has historically stepped in to create a buffer to prevent. if we're in a new cold war, the yemenis are in the other camp. but, the reality is that we're selling the saudis guns, instead.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.