Monday, November 20, 2017


i need to be absolutely, unambiguously clear: we cannot create a climate where anybody is free to make unchallenged accusations against anybody else.

that is not "progress". that is backwardsness. that is totalitarian. that is dystopic.

and, it is imperative that this be resisted, before it is too late.

i will never support any movement that seeks to dispense with the presumption of innocence or due process of law. and i would hope that any group of people that is championing such a thing would be roundly defeated in the court of public opinion.

remember: the mainstream media is not an echo chamber of public opinion, but a tool that the elite uses to bludgeon delusions into us. it rarely reflects what anybody is actually thinking. rather, it seeks to manufacture viewpoints for us. and, the truth is that it usually fails in it's tasks.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.