Saturday, August 24, 2019

i got a letter from the student loan people threatening to sue me if i don't contact them in the next 15 days. in fact, that's actually exactly what i want, as i couldn't imagine a judge doing anything but giving them shit for bothering with this file.

i haven't made a loan payment since 2008, i think. i've been on odsp since 2012. i last contacted them in 2013 to tell them that i'm permanently disabled, and will never make another payment on the loan. i told them at the time that the interest will just grow out of control, until they cancel it or i die (and wasn't sure what would happen first). they ignored me; so, i ignored them. as predicted, the interest has grown, and now they're telling me i must start paying it because the interest is out of control.

well, you were charging interest on a defaulted loan held by a disabled person. what the fuck did you expect to happen, you fucking idiots?

i'm still disabled, and there's still no way i can start making payments. interest on the loan is actually larger than my odsp check. it's literally an impossibility. and, i still really don't give a fuck - i'll kill myself, or go to jail, before i start making payments.

my position has been clear for years: the state did not due it's due diligence. they kept giving me money. no research was put into how or if i'd be able to pay it. if it was any other kind of loan, the responsibility for the default would lay with the bankers. the fact is that it was an irresponsible decision to give me this loan, that it was predictable that this would be the outcome and that i should have been denied at the source. my recommendation would be that the state should be doing it's due diligence on student loan payments.

as it is, they can't touch my disability check. so, the judge can rule any which way she wants, unless she's willing to throw me in jail, there's no end point besides forgiving it.

so, i'm going to call them to request that they keep me up to date on the court proceedings, so i can make an appearance to argue my case.