Saturday, August 24, 2019

so, now i'm pretty sure i'm smelling the gas leaking from upstairs, indicating that his own traps are likely dried up from the dehumidifier. and, he seems to be gone.

why am i constantly surrounded by fucking idiots?

unless he's trying to hide the meth lab....

i'm done all of my cross-references and am ready to start posting, i'm just going to take a short nap, first. there is going to be a large difference in size between the documents: the master document scaled up to 800 pages at 5x8 (and has no scripts. i'll use most of it.), but the music document is only starting at 36. so, i could end up with a 100 page music journal and a 600 page politics journal.

there will be some introductory dtk posts, but it doesn't really start seriously until november.

and, the travel blog will be mostly reduced to discussions with nexus.

soon. and, i think it will be fast...