Saturday, August 24, 2019

and, i know this, and the data is crystal clear regarding it: people that spend their lives focused on maximizing wealth are unhappy.

and, isn't the point to be happy?

we're not happy when we're competing with each other, trying to get more, trying to get ahead. we're happy when we're escaping from that nonsense, and it is nonsense, and focusing on art or just relaxing and having a beer.

i didn't need a study to tell me this, either. it's intuitive. it's obvious. the poor are happier, always, everywhere, because they have less stress and stupidity in their lives to drag them down.

i'm not a zen philosopher, i don't need to be, this is just basic, obvious logic. and, i'll push back as hard as i can, for as long as i can, at a system that wants to make me less happy, so that other people can be less happy, too.

that's called dystopia. and, i don't want into it.