Tuesday, October 8, 2019

so, what am i doing?

i'll remind you that i got home late on sunday, this week - technically on monday morning. so, yes it's tuesday, but it's only been almost 24 hours since i got home.

i didn't really sleep until early this morning, at which pointed i needed to catch up on two days and flush the shit out. so, yeah - i've mostly been asleep since this morning. i think i'm awake, now.

i do have a review to do for the weekend, tonight. i also need to do some basic cleaning in here, but i'm going to try to wait until next week for the big stuff.

there's been a big temperature drop in here, but i'm ok with it, for now, because it's turning the air over. if the issue with the piping is at least mostly dealt with, let's hope that seasonal turnover down here is what i need to get the dresser back together and stuff. and, i'll need to look at filling those cracks in the floor as the next step on that.

but, i don't have any show research to do. i don't have any loose ends for the journals - i'll need to get started on november fresh (and may do december at the same time), but i can wait.

i got the result of the "review" on sept 3rd. there's no deadline, but it's well past time to get a move on it. i will do this this week.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this