Friday, January 17, 2020

i don't exactly want to oppose funding for the crash victims. i think everybody can agree that the situation is unfortunate, and if the government is going to offer them money, it would be a little bit harsh to get in between that. i think they deserve compensation from the iranian government, at least, even if the basis of compensation from the canadian government is....legally unclear.

it's more like i have a few questions.

is this a new policy, generally? i think i would be more likely to get behind comprehensive legislation that presents the government as an insurance body in the case of accidents, more generally. it's the piece meal approach to this that is rubbing me the wrong way a little bit, because it's suggesting that the government is giving these victims special treatment in the face of what it sees as a political win. that is, it seems like the government is essentially politicizing this. and, while i'm sure the victims appreciate the cash, that's actually kind of slimy, and kind of slimy in a way that is consistent with this government.

so, is it going to be the policy of this government to offer insurance to the victims of certain kinds of accidents, moving forwards? are there going to be delineated grounds for compensation? if so, i'd actually lean towards supporting this.

or, is this going to be an ad hoc case-by-case thing where the government decides to fund specific victims for political purposes? i could not, in good conscience, support the politicization of tragedy in that manner, and i might call on the victims to reject the funds.

the compensation should come from the iranian state.