Friday, January 17, 2020

turns out that i got my form 68 from the court, after all. i was expecting to have to wait for the factum. so be it. it was dated to tuesday, so i'm guessing it got here yesterday.

the form is empty, and i'm going to have to read up on how to fill it out. they're suggesting that the hearing should be in april or may.

no response from the landlord, and at this point i should probably give up.

so, this is what i want to do, if i can figure it out.

1) i want to finish the rebuild for december and get the pdfs up to noise trade. there's only a few posts left.
2) i'll need to work this form out for monday and figure out what i need to do, exactly. i believe i need to reach out to schedule; i understand the general idea, i just need to get the formalities down, i've never done this, remember. i don't think it's that complicated.
3) i'll need to write up the request to defer and send it to the human rights tribunal by the end of the day on monday.

i would not expect there to be any further concerns for the rest of the month.

and, as mentioned, i don't expect to actually go anywhere for weeks, if not months. there are shows in march...but i need to make sure i can get to the hearing...