Wednesday, August 19, 2020

another question to ask, though, is if the swing to trump amongst gen xers has anything to do with these lockdowns.

if you're a senior, you want people to stay in, because you could legit die from this, and if you're younger you may actually enjoy the disruption, or otherwise be easily persuaded by government pseudoscience designed to control you.

but, middle aged people need to go to work to pay bills, and to feed their freeloading kids and their freeloading parents. they may be rightly pissed off that the democrats want to tell them to stay home.

i wondered about this a few months ago, but it seemed like it wasn't happening on the ground. maybe i had my age groups off a little; maybe the people most irked by this are more likely to vote the bums out than stomp their feet in the park.

if that is the case - if trump's support amongst gen xers is a reaction to restrictive democratic measures to contain the virus - the democrats could be in for a very, very nasty surprise, downballot.