Wednesday, August 19, 2020

further, the idea that intelligence has been going up recently and therefore will go up forever is a basic logical fallacy. it's the same error that led us to taking the philips curve seriously.

the reasons we saw increasing intelligence in the 20th century had mostly to do with increasing levels of nutrition, something that started to undo itself in the onset of neoliberalism around 1970 or so. so, i'm not buying the idea that we should project all of the progress we had up to 1970 indefinitely into the future, especially when the point of the film is to viciously criticize the revolutionary economic changes that set in with the embrace of corporatism and neoliberalism. we don't know what our intelligence levels will be like in 500 years, but we can certainly state with clarity that we won't have infinite growth in intelligence levels, that some kind of limit is inevitable, and that decline is just as likely as anything else.

so, again, that's a dumb criticism.