Wednesday, August 19, 2020

they should absolutely be distancing themselves from both sarsour and omar, who are going to lose more votes than they gain, in the most important swing groups. in canada, muslims actually do form a meaningful voting bloc. they simply don't in the united states.

it's not the bds movement, exactly - i follow chomsky's deconstruction, which is that pushing these kinds of tactics are more likely to get you labeled a nazi than actually work. that is, chomsky has been skeptical (albeit vaguely supportive) of these tactics, under the argument that they aren't just not going to work but are likely to lead to a backlash that makes it harder to get people substantive rights. i think that's the right analysis.

but, i mean, i don't support two states; that's a 20th century solution. the palestinians need full civil rights in a single state where everybody is treated as an equal. no solidarity with ethnic nationalism - they need to adjust and learn to be citizens of israel, and israel needs to let them be citizens, too.

the problem with sarsour & omar is the comments they've produced, which are unambiguously racist, and the associations they're bringing in, but, even more so, the liability around projecting those associations to actual swing voters, which are mostly white people in the midwest.

that said, this is too little, too late. i will be continuing to support the green ticket until i hear an explicit denunciation of john kasich, meg whitman and the lot as fascists that are unwanted in the party - because if i don't get that denunciation, i'll have to assume that they are wanted in the party, in which case it's a party i can't support.