Saturday, December 19, 2020

like most people, i have variable blood pressure - it comes in a wide range. but, i've gotten off my bicycle with a cup of coffee and still tested freakishly low five minutes later. it runs well below a normal range.

the symptoms of low sodium include headaches, as well.

i don't want to fuck with this without seeing some guidelines. i'm aiming for low sodium, and i'm getting it with minimal difficulties. it's not hard, either - you just have to eat actual food as the basis of your diet. so, i'm not going to just boost my sodium, haphazardly. i'm going to keep it as low as is reasonable.

but, i need to get some data that will help me set better lower limits for a high water diet, and the google results are just skewed towards the fact that 98% of people have the opposite problem.