Wednesday, May 19, 2021

listen - i'm not a vaccine skeptic. go get vaccinated. i won't tell you otherwise.

i'm more of a vaccine existentialist, at least for the next few months, in the sense that i don't think the effects of the vaccine can be effectively separated from the noise of the weather and encroaching natural herd immunity due to widespread transmission. at the least, we can not just jump to that conclusion - that is an empirical question, and it requires a statistical test. if i'm skeptical about anything, what i'm skeptical about is the efficacy of all these measures, when compared against the effects of randomness and chaos. and, that's the question that statisticians face and resolve on a day-to-day basis.

so, that's the right way to interpret me, here - what i'm suggesting is that, for most people, the vaccine doesn't actually matter, that it's largely just meaningless theatre.